Saint Kitts and Nevis, previously recognized as Saint Christopher and Nevis, comprises two captivating islands nestled in the Caribbean Sea. Renowned for its breathtaking beaches. This island has become a haven for numerous nature lovers and globetrotters alike.
Notably, the Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment program has propelled this Caribbean gem into the spotlight, drawing attention from around the world.
Saint Kitts and Nevis introduced its citizenship by investment program in 1984, making it the world’s oldest and most esteemed economic citizenship initiative. Renowned for its detailed processing, rigorous background checks, and numerous advantages, investors and families often prioritize this alternative citizenship option when seeking a robust second nationality. Within a short period of time, the country grants full citizenship to investors and high-net-worth individuals.
Investing in Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship opens doors to excellent education and healthcare services for investors and their families, along with promising international business opportunities. With dual citizenship in Saint Kitts and Nevis, investors can enjoy these benefits without having to give up their current nationality or fulfill residency or language requirements.
Furthermore, Saint Kitts and Nevis citizenship offers appealing tax advantages, including no taxes on worldwide income or inheritance. This is particularly advantageous for investors seeking to establish offshore bank accounts and companies without the burden of taxes.
Saint Kitts and Nevis citizens can travel to over 140 countries around the world visa-free, including Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, Ireland, the Schengen states, and Saudi Arabia.
Saint Kitts and Nevis citizens can get a 5- and 10-year multi entry visas to the USA and Canada, subject to fulfilling the requirements of the visa application. Citizens can also get a Canada E-Visa once they’ve issued and used a US Visa in the last 10 years on the same passport.
Saint Kitts and Nevis tax residents do not pay taxes on dividends, interest, or royalties on income generated outside the island. There is no tax on wages, capital gains or inheritance in the country.
Country | Country | Country | Country |
Albania | Dominican Republic | Lesotho | Saint Lucia |
Andorra | Ecuador | Liechtenstein | San Marino |
Angola | El Salvador | Lithuania | Serbia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Estonia | Luxembourg | Singapore |
Argentina | Fiji | Malawi | Slovakia |
Austria | Finland | Malaysia | Slovenia |
Bahamas | France | Malta | Spain |
Bangladesh | Gambia | Mauritius | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Barbados | Germany | Micronesia | Suriname |
Belarus | Greece | Moldova | Sweden |
Belgium | Grenada | Monaco | Switzerland |
Belize | Guatemala | Montenegro | Taiwan |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guyana | Netherlands | Tanzania |
Botswana | Haiti | Nicaragua | Trinidad and Tobago |
Brazil | Honduras | North Macedonia | Tunisia |
Bulgaria | Hong Kong | Norway | Türkiye |
Chile | Hungary | Palestinian Territories | Ukraine |
Colombia | Iceland | Panama | United Kingdom |
Costa Rica | Ireland | Peru | Uruguay |
Croatia | Israel | Philippines | Uzbekistan |
Cuba | Italy | Poland | Vanuatu |
Cyprus | Jamaica | Portugal | Vatican City |
Czech Republic | Kiribati | Romania | Venezuela |
Denmark | Kosovo | Russian Federation | Zambia |
Dominica | Latvia | Rwanda | Zimbabwe |
Country | Country | Country | Country |
Armenia | Ethiopia | India | South Sudan |
Congo (Dem. Rep.) | Gabon | Nigeria | Uganda |
Djibouti | Guinea | Papua New Guinea | Vietnam |
Equatorial Guinea |
Country | Country | Country | Country |
Burundi | Lebanon | Mauritania | Timor-Leste |
Cape Verde | Macao | Samoa | Tonga |
Comoros | Madagascar | Senegal | Tuvalu |
Guinea-Bissau | Maldives | Solomon Islands | Lebanon |
Country | Country | Country | Country |
Bolivia | Jordan | Nepal | Sierra Leone |
Cambodia | Laos | Palau | Togo |
Iran | Mozambique | Saudi Arabia |
Country | Country | Country | Country |
Kenya | South Korea | Sri Lanka | Pakistan |
Respect Services provides two choices for those seeking citizenship in St. Kitts and Nevis:
Beginning at a non-refundable contribution of 250,000 USD for individual applicants, this amount increases with the inclusion of family members in the application.
Under the public benefit option, each main applicant is required to make a minimum contribution of 250,000$ in a unit of an Approved Public Benefit Project, to be paid to the relevant Approved Public Benefactor.
This option involves purchasing real estate starting from 325,000 USD, with a mandatory requirement to hold the property for a period of seven years (terms and conditions apply).
that can be included in an application:
Issuance of citizenship certificate along with passport.
Saint Kitts & Nevis Citizenship: An Opportunity to Explore the World
If you’re someone who values purpose, strives for excellence and is willing to go the extra mile, then consider this your invitation to explore career opportunities with Respect Services