Saint Lucia Citizenship Program by Investment

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Saint Lucia Citizenship Program by Investment

Table of content:

  • Information about Saint Lucia
  • The Citizenship Program by Investment

Saint Lucia Citizenship Program by Investment

Information about Saint Lucia:

Saint Lucia is an island in the eastern Caribbean and forms part of the Lesser Antilles. It is a country governed by a parliamentary democracy headed by Queen Elizabeth II. Today, Saint Lucia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the United Nations, and the Caribbean Community.

Saint Lucia is blessed with natural beauty; Thanks to its charming nature and picturesque atmosphere, which resulted in a boom in the tourism sector, which attracts approximately 350,000 visitors annually. Among the main reasons contributing to the growth of the tourism sector in Saint Lucia is the country’s international airport, which receives regular flights from the United States of America, Canada, and Europe.


For more information about Saint Lucia Citizenship Program by Investment fees and benefits, Please visit this click here.


The Citizenship Program by Investment

  • Saint Lucia citizenship through investment program was established in 2015. The program will lead to grant full citizenship and passport within 6 months from starting the application.
  • The Saint Lucia passport is respected and reputed worldwide, ranked 26th globally and Saint Lucia passport holders travel to more than 133 visa-free countries, including UK, Ireland, Schengen countries, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and other countries.
  • The application includes the main applicant, spouse, and single children under the age of 30 provided that they are dependents and no need to prove enrolment in higher education, as well as the parents over the age of 55 who depends on the main applicant financially and the siblings of the main applicant and spouse under the age of 18 who are financially dependents on the main applicant.
  • No prior residence in Saint Lucia is required for citizenship.
  • The program does not require a specific level of education and experience in management.
  • Citizens of St. Lucia can hold other nationalities.
  • There are no taxes on capital gains, net wealth, or inheritance for non-residents in Saint Lucia.
  • When obtaining citizenship through this program, the applicant and his/her family members enjoy lifelong citizenship. However, citizenship cannot be passed to future generations by descent
  • Applications submission must be done exclusively through authorized service providers and cannot be made directly to the Citizenship by Investment Unit.
  • Applicants who generate their income from these countries cannot apply Iran, Syria, Sudan, and North Korea.


For more information about Saint Lucia Citizenship Program by Investment fees and benefits, Please visit this click here.


Saint Lucia Passport Holders Can Enter   133 Countries Visa-Free (or Visa on Arrival) including:

United Kingdom Egypt Saint Kitts and Nevis Zimbabwe
Albania El Salvador Lesotho Saint Lucia
Andorra Estonia Liechtenstein Samoa
Armenia Ethiopia Lithuania San Marino
Austria Fiji Luxembourg Seychelles
Bahamas Finland Macau Singapore
Bangladesh France Macedonia Slovakia
Barbados Gabon Madagascar Slovenia
Belarus Gambia Malawi Solomon Islands
Belgium Georgia Malaysia Somalia
Please Germany the Maldives Islands South Africa
Boys Greece Malta South Korea
Bolivia Grenada Mauritania Spain
Bosnia and Herzegovina Guatemala Mauritius Sri Lanka
Botswana Guinea-Bissau Micronesia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Brazil Guyana Moldova Suriname
Bulgaria Haiti Monaco Swaziland
Cambodia Honduras the black Mountain Sweden
green head Hong Kong Mozambique Switzerland
Chile Hungary Nepal Tanzania
Colombia Iceland Netherlands Timor-Leste
Comoros India Nicaragua Togo
Costa Rica Indonesia Norway Trinidad and Tobago
Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Iran Palau Tunisia
Croatia Ireland Palestinian territories Turkey
Cuba Italy Panama Tuvalu
Cyprus Jamaica Peru Uganda
Czech Jordan Philippines Ukraine
Denmark Kenya Poland Vanuatu
Djibouti Kiribati Portugal Vatican City
Dominica Kosovo Qatar Venezuela
Dominicans Republic of Laos Romania Zambia
Ecuador Latvia Rwanda Lebanon